Mon - Fri: 8am - 5pm, | Saturday: 8am-Noon, | Sunday: Closed for Church!
Valley Tree Masters™ Tree Removal Service has provided many years of professional Scottsdale & Gilbert tree removal, tree trimming, tree feeding and tree doctor services to our Scottsdale area & Gilbert, Az customers.
Our tree removal specialists are continually trained, and attend a safety meeting every morning regarding safe tree removal practices. This ensures that your property is protected, and your tree removal service is performed safely.
After hiring our tree removal company, our knowledgeable and trustworthy tree removal specialists are dispatched to your tree service project. Our tree experts and Arborists will make an assessment of how to best remove the tree, and then we’ll get to work. Our Gilbert tree removal and Scottsdale tree removal service is not only top-rated, but we guarantee your satisfaction.
Also, if you’re thinking about saving that tree instead of removing it, feel free to ask our Gilbert tree trimmers for a little advice.👌
Searching for a tree removing service near me? (You found us!) Our tree removal specialists have decades of combined experience removing trees in Gilbert, Scottsdale, & all of Phoenix, Az. This ensures that your tree removal service is done at a low cost, and in a safe manner. Our tree removal specialists have been removing trees throughout the east valley for over 15 years, including removing trees in Gilbert, Mesa, Chandler, Az and all over Phoenix. Don’t trust removing your trees to an inexperienced Gilbert tree removal or Scottsdale tree removal company, call our tree removal specialists today for a Free Quote!
Our Gilbert tree removal specialists leave nothing to chance; we have a thorough discussion about your trees in our morning tree meeting.
Then, our Gilbert tree removal crew arrives at your property fully briefed on the details of your tree trimming or tree removal service project.
We utilize the safest and most efficient tree removal equipment to deliver quality results for our customers, and to ensure the safety of our Gilbert tree removal service workers.
By the way, feel free to read this article we wrote on factors that influence tree removal cost if you want to learn a little more.
During our morning meeting, our Gilbert tree removal specialists go over the photos of each of your trees with our tree removal workers, so that nothing is left to chance with your tree removal project.
Other tree companies typically hand their tree removal workers a copy of the work order, and tell them, “Get to work!”
Our tree removal company actually cares about your trees, which is why we ensure that all of our Phoenix & Gilbert tree removal pros know exactly what to do when they arrive.
Tree removal service is only properly finished after stump grinding has been performed. Luckily, Valley Tree Masters™ Phoenix Tree Removal has the heavy-duty stump grinding equipment needed to complete the job. Don’t leave that ugly stump behind. Let Valley Tree Masters™ Tree Removal Service take care of all your stump grinding needs, Phoenix!
Phoenix tree removal service companies are a dime a dozen. Many tree removal services employ inexperienced, non-English speaking workers on their projects, which results in unsafe work techniques, dangerous tree removal practices, and poor overall quality for Phoenix area homeowners.
This choice of hiring a cheap alternative instead of a pro Phoenix tree removal service doesn’t help anyone; you, as a homeowner, have to hire a 2nd Phoenix tree removal company to finish the job, while your poor tree got butchered. (We’re Pro tree-life, but sometimes a tree has to go!)
Looking for Tree Removal Scottsdale? (We knew it!) Our Scottsdale tree removal specialists have the experience and know-how to professionally handle your tree removal service in Scottsdale. Don’t believe us? Check-out our over (160+) 5-Star Reviews (we’re getting popular!)
If a pro tree removal service with a whole bunch of 5-Star Reviews is what your looking for, give our tree removal specialists a call today to schedule your Free Quote!
So, if you were searching for the best tree removal Scottsdale company, you’ve found us! And we already mentioned it, but please check out our essay on factors that influence tree removal cost if you’d like to learn a little more.
So, why are we the best Gilbert Tree Removal service? Good question! If you’re curious why service from our Gilbert tree removal company is simply the best, just ask our CEO (he can’t shut-up!)
If you’re looking for the best Phoenix tree removal service, you can stop searching (we’re top-rated, and our CEO’s hilarious, just ask him!) By the way, we’re local for providing Gilbert tree removal & Scottsdale tree removal service too, so just call our Arborists if you need an expert opinion or a free quote for that big tree removal project. Also, all of our employees at Valley Tree Masters™ Phoenix Tree Removal Service are American citizens and are 100% English-speaking. This makes it easy and seamless when you want to communicate with our tree pros. To ensure the safety of your property, and ours, our employees are properly trained on up-to-date on Phoenix tree removal techniques and safety procedures. This ensures you receive the quality you deserve, and the value you paid for. (Nobody wants a yahoo with a chainsaw!)
We have been removing trees in Phoenix-metro Arizona for over a decade. Our experience comes from performing some of the most difficult tree removal jobs that Phoenix has to offer, and we bring that experience removing dangerous trees with us to every tree service job we undertake.
Make sure to take advantage of the lowest tree removal prices in the greater Phoenix, AZ metropolitan area including same-day tree removal service in Gilbert, Chandler, Mesa, Scottsdale, Tempe and more!
Our Arborists and Phoenix tree doctor specialists can also treat your sick or diseased trees with a range of different tree treatments, including our proprietary soil-injected tree feeding (Deep Root Fertilization), or Tree Injection capsule treatments. This gives tree owners an extra option, instead of just having your Phoenix tree removed. If our tree doctors are able to catch your sick tree soon enough, Tree Feeding may be the answer. Call a Valley Tree Masters™ tree doctor today to see if your sick or diseased tree can be saved with tree feeding & fertilization (instead of tree removal)!
New Customers get 15% OFF any tree trimming, Phoenix-metro tree removal, cactus removal or stump grinding project and we will beat any qualified competitor’s bid on your project!
Want to know more about tree removal? Well lucky you, we’re leaf-dropping the Top 21 Tree Removal Tips on you (bad comedy ahead, you’ve been warned!)
Well, how big is that tree that you’re asking about why is tree removal so expensive? (Is it tall? I bet it is!) If a tree is tall, or has a large trunk circumference (the distance all the way around), tree removal can be expensive. This is because our Scottsdale & Gilbert tree removal service crews have to take the same precautions and safety measures that any other tree removal company would need to do, to protect your property, and our workers. This involves properly preparing the site for safe tree removal, and making sure that nothing goes wrong in the process. For example, our crew may need to protect a nearby pool deck, flower bed, or statue that can’t be moved. If there are other factors that add time and expense to our crew’s tree removal project, that’s just another reason of why is tree removal so expensive. Or, if the tree to be removed is a long, long way away from where our tree removal company can park our trucks and wood chippers, that also adds to the total cost of tree removal being so expensive. Also, there are some tree species that cannot be recycled, such as Jacaranda, Palo Verde, Palo Brea, and many others that nobody will take it’s wood for free (bummer!) If a Gilbert tree service cannot freely give away the wood from it’s tree removal jobs, that tree removal company must charge the customer a disposal fee. So, if you want to save some cash on that tree removal project, maybe consider keeping some of the logs after your tree has been removed. How about that? Those are a few good reasons why is Gilbert tree removal so expensive (your welcome!)
Why tree stump removal? Well, what were you planning on doing with that ugly tree stump after that pretty tree is gone? Reminisce? Nostalgia just isn’t what it used to be… Okay, joking aside, the longer that a tree stump remains in your yard, the more difficult (and expensive) it becomes to remove. As time goes by, a tree stump will experience a natural form of petrification (like a fossil!) The stump will get harder and more difficult to ‘stump grind’ every year that it has not been removed from the ground. Don’t let your tree stump turn into a dinosaur fossil… Fossils are for the museum, not your front yard! So, if your asking us why Scottsdale tree stump removal is important, now you can impress your friends!
If a tree has outgrown its space, tree removal service is in your future. If a tree is growing too close to a home’s foundation, or a driveway or walkway (or especially a pool deck), don’t even ask ‘why tree removal service’; just hire our pros! Tree removal service is a great way to protect the value of your home, by preventing a pesky tree that is no longer loved from destroying part of your real estate. Trees that grow too close to a home’s concrete slab will eventually cause damage; that’s why tree removal service can be very important for protecting your property. A tree planted too close to a masonry wall will begin to crack or buckle that block or brick wall; that’s a great ‘why’ for tree removal service. And, if a tree is within 5 feet of a driveway, that may be the “why” you need for tree removal service. And don’t wait until it’s too late… our tree removal service gets the call from a homeowner who waited too long to ask themselves, ‘Why tree removal service? That tree looks fine to me!’ That tree may look fine to you, Mr. Homeowner, but its root system may be causing lots of damage beneath the surface. That’s why Scottsdale tree removal service can be crucial! And what if there is home renovation going on, or a new driveway being added at your home? That may be why tree removal service may be the best decision (oftentimes it’s your only choice!) But don’t worry, because if tree removal service is in your future, our tree removal service Arborists are here to answer any of your other questions about the ‘why’ of tree removal service. Also, if you need more info on Gilbert tree removal or Scottsdale tree removal service, call us today for your Free Quote!
Offer them money! This might sound like a joke (okay, I do have a background in stand-up…) but for how to stop tree removal, it may be your best (and cheapest) legal option. If a tree is on private property, there is often nothing that an observer can do if that tree is not protected in some way. Not to mention, think of the cost of taking a person to court, hiring a lawyer, paying court costs (and, not being guaranteed to win). At least if you offer the other party some amount of money upfront, they may even take you more seriously (and respectfully) than if you had your lawyer mail them a lawsuit, subpoena or summons. So, if you’re aware that a big beautiful tree is scheduled to be removed, why not talk to the property owner? Ask if there’s anything reasonable that could be done to stop the tree removal, and consider offering the owner a small amount of money if it would change their mind. The sad truth is that the property owner can usually do as they wish. But as we know, money talks! (By the way, to anyone whom this tactic has worked, kindly re-name said tree, ‘The Money-Tree’… Thank you!) All jokes aside, if you’re in need of Scottsale or Gilbert tree removal, won’t you pickup that phone and call us for your Free Quote? (We’re waiting for your call, and we’re friendly, too!)
It’s important to understand that trees are a vital part of our environment, and that whenever possible, it’s important to stop cutting down trees. Trees clean and filter our air, water and soil. They do this by removing toxins and contamination along the way (and storing and trapping those environmental hazards within their wood… man’s best friend? Move over, Fido!) Without trees, our atmosphere would become poisoned with CO2 and CO (Carbon Dioxide & Carbon Monoxide gases). Did you know that trees absorb the harmful gases in our air, and then exhale them as Oxygen? (Man’s best friend!) Don’t forget the shade that trees provide, and the protection from wind and bad weather around our homes. And, our groundwater wouldn’t get that extra dose of filtration that comes from passing through a tree’s root system. Not to mention, our soils would become saturated with toxins that a tree’s root system would normally absorb (and use for fertilizer!) All in all, how about we give a big hooray for trees? Those are just a few reasons of why it’s important to stop cutting down trees! But, if you still need Scottsdale or Gilbert tree removal service, we’re waiting for your call to schedule that free estimate!
Why not remove a tree? We kid, we know that trees are man’s best friend (sorry, dogs!) So, why remove a tree, if they provide so much goodness to our planet and our environments? Here are 7 important reasons if you’re wondering ‘why remove a tree’; first, if a tree was planted too close to a house, sidewalk or driveway, that tree will eventually do damage to that nearby foundation. Second, if a tree has died, don’t even ask why should I remove this tree, just hire our Gilbert tree service, already! Third, if a tree will overgrow its location, or start causing damage to nearby fences, rooftops, power lines, etc, then it might be time to remove a tree. Fourth, if a tree is diseased (and cannot be saved by an Arborist), it may be time to remove a tree. Fifth, if the tree is starting to block the sunlight needed for your home’s solar panels, that may be your ‘why remove a tree’ answer. Sixth (is that how you spell sixth? If not, we just misspelled it again!), if your asking why remove a tree, and you’ve already asked yourself this question six times, why not just keep it? Hooray, you just saved a tree from Scottdale or Gilbert tree removal!
This depends. To start, make certain you verify with a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) that your making the right choice. Generally, if tree removal is part of a larger remodeling project to raise the value of your home, it may be possible to claim tree removal on your taxes (but still verify with your Accountant!) If you trying to claim tree removal on your taxes when completely renovating a rental or investment property, it might be a lot easier to claim that tree removal on your taxes (but once again, double check with a tax expert first!) Aaaaand, if that doesn’t work, maybe ask your tree if it will claim you on it’s taxes? (We can all dream for a money-tree!) Just remember that if you’re shopping for a Scottsdale or Gilbert tree removal service, pick up that phone & call today for your Free Estimate!
Depends, how’s your relationship with your bank? If you have an existing relationship with a lending institution, or if you have a high credit score, then obtaining a personal loan for tree removal service shouldn’t be a problem. If you don’t already have an established history with a bank or credit union, or if your credit score might need some work, calling your credit card company and asking to have your credit limit raised might be your best option to finance tree removal. If none of that works, try asking your tree to co-sign for a bank loan. On second thought, since your tree would literally be financing it’s own death, maybe don’t ask your tree for help! Instead, call our friendly Arborists today to schedule your free quote for Scottsdale or Gilbert tree removal service!
Do you mean, negotiate on price, or try and negotiate with the tree? If you’re negotiating with the tree, he may not want to sign his death warrant… Ok, enough jokes (you can see why stand-up didn’t work out!) It may be possible to negotiate tree removal with the tree service or tree removal company that you’re obtaining an estimate from, but remember about their costs involved. The tree removal service you’re negotiating with has to pay a whole lot of labor wages to their workers for the dangerous and difficult work that they do every day. And, the tree removal outfit has to pay huge monthly payments toward their work trucks, dump trucks and wood chippers. In addition, when you want to negotiate tree removal, remember the thousands of dollars (every month) that your tree removal service pays for insurance to protect you (leaf it up to us!) So, yes, it may be possible to negotiate tree removal, but remember that your tree removal contractor your negotiating with may already be bending over backwards to help you with your tree removal project. (By the way, when is Arbor day? Not soon enough!)
Welcome to the club! (or treehouse?) We all know that tree removal can be expensive at times, and hard to afford. But rest assured, there are things that you can do, as a homeowner, to lower the cost and better afford tree removal. What do we mean? For example, take advantage of winter. In winter, tree service companies are much slower than during the busy summer season. During the winter months, it is a little easier to afford tree removal service. So, if you’re looking for an easy way to better finance or afford your tree removal project, hire our experts now (but book your job for the winter months!) Another way to better afford tree removal is to remove obstacles to improve access to your tree. For example, if there is limited access to a tree on your property, it may be possible to remove a panel of your fence to open up access to the tree removal site. If a tree is located at the back of your property with poor access (but, the tree could be easily accessed from a neighbor’s property), consider talking to the neighbor about allowing access. If the Gilbert tree removal service company is allowed to use a much quicker and cheaper way to access the tree to be removed, affordable tree removal may be in your future!
A better question may be, will my tree damage my foundation it it’s not removed? This is a better question to ask (since dangerous tree removal is what we do for a day-job!) It is extremely rare for a foundation to be damaged during the tree removal process, however, it is very common for trees to damage foundations on their own. Trees are often planted far too close to the foundations of houses, buildings, sidewalks and driveways, and can wreak havoc with their root systems. A trees root system is the real culprit when it comes to damaging foundations; tree roots can extend for dozens of feet (or hundreds!) For example, it is not uncommon for the root system of an Indian Rosewood tree (also known as a ‘Sissoo tree’) to run for 200 feet in any direction, in search of a good water source. Once a tree’s root system finds a good water source, it will start to swell in all directions, lifting and breaking any foundations that may be nearby. This is a good example of why Gilbert or Scottsdale tree removal may prevent damage to foundations.
According to a discussion on, a tax expert is quoted saying that “If the tree removal was necessary for overall safety of structure/tenants or resulted from weather damage (I assume this is your case), then it is an expense. The expense category you selected will work. If the tree removal was part of a landscaping endeavor, then you would capitalize and depreciate.” This advice is, however, related to rental properties and commercial buildings. If tree removal is being performed at your home or residence, and your asking can tree removal be capitalized, the answer is generally ‘no’.
Want an exact answer?… It depends! Tree removal can be covered by insurance, in most cases, if the tree is needing to be removed caused by an ‘Act of God’, and the tree generally needs to be laying on top of a roof, wall, or part of the house. If the tree’s trunk did not break, or the tree did not blow down in a storm, chances are low for ‘can tree removal be covered by insurance’.` However, if a large tree blew down in a storm and damaged your home or car, depending on your homeowner’s insurance policy, tree removal may be covered by insurance. In this situation, the best option is to pickup the phone and talk with your insurance agent, just to check if Gilbert tree removal service can be covered by insurance. (If that helps, send us a thank you, or a free dinner!)
According to BBD tree service, “In order to qualify for tax deductibility, you need a specific reason for having the tree removed. If the tree is doing damage to your property, for example, it’s damaging the roof or has a disease, then you have a better claim for tax deductibility. If the tree was damaged by a storm or in a vehicle crash, again you have a stronger claim for deducting it on your taxes, or you may be able to file an insurance claim. However, if you would simply like to remove the tree because you don’t like the way it looks, you have a much weaker claim when it comes to writing it off on your taxes.” But don’t take our word for it, call your tax professional and ask! “Ring… Ring… Excuse me, Mrs. tax professional, can tree removal be deducted from my taxes?” In the long run, it’s definitely not worth trying to deduct tree removal from taxes, only to trigger an IRS audit. So if you’re asking if Gilbert tree removal can be deducted from taxes, ask your tax expert first. (I.R.S…. I hate those letters!)
Doesn’t Jim Carrey hate everything? No? Just Republican presidents and good comedy?
So, we’re not sure why Jim Carrey hates trees, but since all of his movies have flopped recently, wouldn’t you hate trees too? No? Ok, we didn’t think so, it would really take a lot of hate within to dislike trees. But Jim Carrey has it, have you seen his politics? (Or artwork?) Clearly, Jim Carrey is one messed up dude, and we hope that he gets the Betty Ford treatment that he deserves. (Also, we maaaaay have made this whole thing up!)
The average tree removal cost is about $900 in 2025, but this cost varies depending on the size and height of the tree. The cost to remove a tree varied from $175-$1,625 in 2024 for the US, according to multiple sources such as TreeRemoval and Gilbert Tree Trimmers™. If you need other types of tree service, that may cost a bit extra. According to HomeGuide and Scottsdale Tree Trimmers™, a national average of $715 for tree removal is right within a similar price range of between $200-$1,800.
This tree removal cost guide will show you about how much it should cost to have trees removed from your property. Even though you can’t determine an exact cost for tree removal without getting a tree service estimate, (don’t worry, they’re free!), we present you with some general costs. For example, the complexity of the tree removal, the height of the tree, and the girth (or width) of the tree’s trunk are all factors that affect the price. If your looking for Gilbert tree removal or Scottsdale tree removal, give us a call to schedule your Free Quote!
⬇️ Average Tree Removal Costs in 2025: ⬇️
Wondering how much it costs to remove a small tree? The average cost in 2025 of a small tree removal is $362.50. For trees under 30 feet tall, the tree removal cost range is between $175-$500, depending on the location of the tree and the species to be removed. Have a smaller tree on your property needing tree removal service? There’s a good chance you could save some green! By the way if your searching for the best Gilbert tree removal or Scottsdale tree removal, call us today to schedule your Free Estimate!
Want to learn more about small tree removal costs? Checkout this video from our Arborist!
Curious how much Medium Tree Removal Cost? The average cost in 2025 of medium tree removal is $675. For trees under 20 feet tall, the tree removal cost range is between $450-$900, depending on where the tree is located, plus the type of tree that needs tree removal. Do you instead need a small tree removed? Well, lucky for you, small tree removal cost even less! Also, if you’re trying to find top rated Gilbert tree removal or Scottsdale tree removal, pickup that phone and call us today to schedule your Free Quote!
Curious how much Large Tree Removal Cost? The average cost in 2025 for a large tree removal Gilbert Az is $1,360. For trees under 25 feet tall, the large tree removal cost range is between $1,010-$1,160, depending where on the property that the tree is located, in addition to the type of tree that needs large tree removal. For trees between 25ft. to 75ft. tall, the large tree removal cost range is between $1,285-$1,435. Also, for trees over 75ft. tall, the large tree removal cost range is typically between $1,560-$1,710. Just remember that there are several other factors influencing the cost to remove a large tree, such as whether or not the tree service company can donate the tree’s wood & wood chippings, instead of having to pay for disposal. And, if you’re trying to find top rated Gilbert tree removal or Scottsdale tree removal, pickup that phone and call Valley Tree Masters today to schedule your Free Estimate!
Wondering how much is the average cost to remove a tree? The average cost in 2025 of tree removal service is $825. For trees under 30 feet tall, the tree removal cost range is between $175-$550, depending on the location of the tree and the species to be removed. Have a smaller tree on your property needing tree removal service? There’s a good chance you could save a few greenbacks! Also, need a Free Quote for Gilbert tree removal or Scottsdale tree removal? Call our Arborists today to schedule your Free Estimate!
In summary, the average cost of tree removal is $825 in 2025 with average costs ranging from $175 to $1,475 according to Scottsdale Tree Trimmers.
On average, large Gilbert tree removal costs about $1,500, with prices ranging from $1,000-$2,000 according to HomeAdvisor and Scottsdale Tree Trimmers™.