Deep Root Fertilization

Tree Food & Tree Feeding (Deep Root Fertilization)

Deep Root Fertilzation

Tree Feeders the Valley trusts for tree feeding! 💉

Deep Root Fertilization (tree feeding) is the process of injecting liquid fertilizer into the soil under pressure, to drive crucial nutrients into the tree’s fine absorbing roots. Pro tree feeders offer this treatment to boost your tree’s immune system, and to help ward off pests as well. This tree feeder treatment can also add years to lifespan of your trees, by strengthening immune systems (so that your trees can fight battles on their own!) Deep Root tree feeding is the best option for tree feeder treatments in the Valley. This tree feeding soil injection process gets the proper nutrients & minerals to the root ball of your tree, where most of the tiny absorbing roots are located. Not only can Deep Root Fertilization save sick or dying trees, but it can also boost the immune system (and life span) of trees that appear healthy. 


Our tree feeders inject the liquid deep root fertilization treatment exactly where the tree feeding is needed most; beneath the soil. Not only is deep root tree feeding beneficial to your tree’s health & immune system, it is a vital part of proper tree care. Never had your trees fertilized by a tree feeder service in the Valley? Call our Certified Arborists to get your Consultation or Free Quote from one of our tree feeding pros!🌳 

Need a FREE Quote? Contact our tree experts to schedule your Fast & Free Estimate!

Benefits of Deep Root Fertilization

As an International Society of Arboriculture Certified Arborist, I take great offense when I hear non-experts talk about trees not needing tree feeding or deep root fertilization; this is crazy!

These people tend to cite an obscure passage in the International Society of Arboriculture textbook (for students studying to become an ISA Certified Arborist). They usually mention that the I.S.A. claims that Deep Root Fertilization & tree feeding is not necessary in most instances.

Unfortunately, that claim doesn’t take into consideration the nutrient devoid, clay-packed and rocky soils of Arizona that are lacking of many nutrients for trees. Because of Arizona’s poor soils, Deep Root Fertilization can really work for your trees! Don’t believe us? Just ask one of our pro tree feeders (they can’t stop talking about tree care!)🌲 

Benefits of Tree Feeding

Want to see what JuiceBOOST Tree Feeding can do for your trees?

image-before image-after

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Valley's Tree Feeders

Deep Root Tree Feeders
Need a Free Quote for Tree Feeding? (That's what we thought!) 🍃

Are you looking for the Valley’s best tree feeders? (So were we… but we came up short. That’s why we built the Valley’s leading tree feeder service!)🥇

➡️ Don’t believe us? Try calling our biggest competitor, and ask them one question about tree feeding:

☎️ “Do your valley tree feeders employ Certified Arborists?”


“But, why not? Don’t you think a tree feeding service specializing in Deep Root Tree Feeding would have at least one Certified Arborist on staff? Still no?!”

📲 “Okay, we’re calling Valley Tree Masters to get a Free Quote for Deep Root Tree Feeding, and their service has a Money-Back Guarantee!

That’s right, our JuiceBOOST™ Soil Injected Tree Feeding treatments come with a 60-day money-back guarantee. What’s that mean? Hire our Guaranteed tree feeder service, and if after 60 days you’re not happy with your tree feeding, call us back. We’ll either re-treat your trees a 2nd time for free, or give y0u a full refund.

Once again, try asking your valley tree feeder if they offer a money-back guarantee… (Still no?)

Make the smart choice and call us today for your Free Quote for JuiceBOOST™ Soil Injected Tree Feeding service! 💚

Need a FREE Quote? Contact our tree experts to schedule your Fast & Free Estimate!

Deep Root Fertilization can save your tree!

In Arizona, our nutrient-lacking soils are so poor in quality that the Arizona soil can actually steal nutrients from the root systems of newly planted trees (keep your hands off my roots!)

This big problem with natural tree nutrition shows itself when normally healthy trees begin to decline. Scottsdale, Az residents are especially at risk of having poor soil quality, since much of Gilbert & Scottsdale was built upon sandy soils near washes, and rocky soils from nearby mountain ranges (with no nutrition for your tree!)

Because Gilbert & Scottsdale soils are so badly lacking in organic matter and vital nutrients, Deep Root Tree Feeding (Deep Root Fertilization) can be crucial to the health and success of your valuable trees.

Tree Feeding Can Save Dying Trees

Much like making sure that your kids have their vital vaccinations to protect from contracting deadly diseases or ailments, Deep Root Fertilization (Tree Feeding) was invented to administer these vital highly-concentrated nutrients to exactly where your tree needs them most: below the soil!

By administering these essential nutrients 4”-6” below the soil’s surface, your tree’s roots can get the vital food that it needs, through a grid-pattern application. Deep Root Tree Feeding should be performed at least twice per year; however, homeowner’s who care about their trees opt to have their trees fed quarterly (every 3 months).

Granular Fertilizer

The biggest problem with traditional granular tree fertilizing is that the tree fertilizer is left on the surface. This means that the granular fertilizer is ready to be washed away by the rain, or the next irrigation cycle. (What good is granular fertilizer pellets if they just wash away?)

Top 5 Problems with Granular Fertilizer:

Need a FREE Quote? Contact our tree experts to schedule your Fast & Free Estimate!

Problems with Fertilizer Spikes

Another problem with DIY tree feeding comes about if a homeowner fertilizes their trees by pounding tree fertilizer spikes into the ground. Fertilizer spikes are by far the worst choice for your trees.


Fertilizer Spikes are compressed into a rod, as opposed to being dispersed throughout the root zone (like with Deep Root Feeding). This makes it nearly impossible for your tree’s fine absorbing roots (feeder roots) to uptake any of the minerals and nutrients within that fertilizer spike.

Top 5 Problems with Tree Fertilizer Spikes:


Our valley tree feeders offer Guaranteed tree feeding service!

Our Deep Root Fertilization is guaranteed to improve the health and appearance of your trees, or we will treat them again for FREE (No kidding!) Our tree feeders in the valley truly care about your trees, and it shows. Let our tree doctors & tree feeders properly care for your trees with our proprietary Deep Root Fertilization. The best part is, our tree feeding quotes are 100% Free, and our tree feeders guarantee our Deep Root Feeding service!

If you hire Valley Tree Masters™ Tree Feeders Service to administer your Deep Root Feeding & Fertilization, we guarantee your tree’s appearance and health will visibly improve within 60 days after treatment, or we will have our Arborist technicians come back a 2nd time, for free!

Valley Tree Masters™ Tree Feeder Service is the only tree feeder service in Scottsdale & Gilbert that guarantees our Deep Root Feeding & Fertilization (Liquid Tree Feeder Injection), we really care about your trees!)🌳 

Contact our Tree Feeder Arborists and tree specialists today at (480) 200-3331 for your free Deep Root Tree Feeder Estimate for Tree Feeder Soil Injections, your trees will thank you!

A valley tree feeder providing JuiceBOOST™ deep root soil-injected tree feeding service in Scottsdale, Arizona.

🍃 Need Deep Root Fertilization Tree Feeding Treatments? 💉

➡️ Want to learn more about professional tree feeding & fertilization? Call our tree feeders today for your Free Quote for Deep Root Fertilization tree feeding! 🌳

Need a FREE Quote? Contact our tree experts to schedule your Fast & Free Estimate!


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