If you have any tree stumps on your property that you are thinking about getting rid of, the sooner you act, the more money you save. This fact has nothing to do with which tree company you hire, but rather relates to the age and condition of the tree’s stump.
Stump Removal Done Right
When a tree is removed, the best (and cheapest) time to have the stump removed is the same day that the tree is cut down. This is because tree stumps start to lose moisture content immediately after the tree is removed. The longer the time frame is between cutting down the tree and grinding the stump, the more difficult and more expensive the stump is to remove by whichever tree company you hire. If you decide to wait 1 year to have your stump grinded out, expect to pay 50% more than on the day the tree was removed. If you wait 2 years or more, the cost of stump removal can easily double.
The lesson to be learned is that if you have a tree stump that needs removed, have your stump grinded out as soon as possible (even if you have waited a couple years since the tree was cut down). The sooner you act, the more money you save.
Call us for a Free Quote
Want a Free Quote to have that stump or tree removed, cactus removal, or maybe tree trimming service? Give us a call today to schedule your Free Estimate!